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zmhk 2024-06-27
世界杯用英语_世界杯用英语怎么说       下面,我将用我自己的方式来解释世界杯用英语的问题,希望我的回答能够对大家有所帮助。让我们开始讨论一下世界杯用英语的话题。1.世界杯分为哪四个?2.关于世界杯的英语词汇,







6.The World Cup,世界杯英语作文50字




       世界杯(FIFA World Cup)即国际足联世界杯,是世界上最高荣誉、最高规格、最高竞技水平、最高知名度的足球比赛,与奥运会并称为全球体育两大最顶级赛事,甚至是影响力和转播覆盖率超过奥运会的全球最大体育盛事。




       联合会杯的前身为洲际杯足球赛,1991年由亚洲、非洲、南美和北美加勒比地区足联提议发起,由国际足联主办,2005年改为每四年举行一届,被称为小型世界杯,(英语:Little World Cup)的世界冠军金杯足球赛(英语:World Champions' Gold Cup)。



       1896年在希腊举行的第1届奥林匹克运动会上,足球是表演赛的项目。从1900年第2届奥运会起,足球被列为正式比赛项目。国际奥林匹克委员会章程规定,只有业余的足球运动员才能参加奥运会的比赛。1979年又补充规定,欧洲和南美国家,凡参加过世界杯赛的运动员,一律不能参加奥运会足球赛。其他国家的运动员不受此限制。按规定,经过预选赛进入奥运会足球决赛阶段比赛的共16个队,即欧洲 4个队,亚洲和非洲各3个队,北美洲、南美洲各2个队,再加上上届冠军队和本届举办国队。近几届决赛阶段的比赛是,先分4个组进行预赛,每组前2名再编成两组用交叉比赛的方法进行复赛。复赛中两个组的第 1名决冠亚军,两个组的第2名争第3、4名。


       国际足联世界俱乐部杯(FIFA Club World Cup)(简称:世俱杯)是一项由国际足联主办、来自六大洲最顶级的球会参与的国际性足球锦标赛。在2000年曾举办过一届名义上的世俱杯,后来由于赞助商问题,赛事被迫取消。直到2005年世俱杯才重新启动。人们习惯上将2005年12月的比赛作为第一届世俱杯。


       World Cup (), two international tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the of international competition in the sport.

       The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament.

       The women's World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women's sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament


       World Cup 世界杯

        FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association) 国际足联

        football,,association football 足球

        field,pitch 足球场

        midfield 中场

        penalty area 禁区

        goalkeeper,goaltender,goalie 守门员

        back 后卫

        left back 左后卫

        right back 右后卫

        centre half back 中卫

        right half back 右前卫

        forward 前锋

        centre forward,centre 中锋

        wingerwing,wing forward 边锋

        libero 自由人

        substitute 候补队员

        referee 裁判

        red card 红牌

        yellow card 黄牌

        The goal is disallowed 进球无效

        foul play 严重犯规

        corner ball, corner 角球

        goal kick 球门球

        hand ball 手球

        header 头球

        penalty kick 点球

        free kick 任意球

        fair charge 合理冲撞

        close-marking defence 盯人防守

        deceptive movement 假动作

        slide tackle 铲球

        to shoot 射门

        mishit 未射中

        to break through 带球过人

        to set a wall 筑人墙

        a hat trick 帽子戏法

        time wasting tactics 拖延战术

        cheering squad 拉拉队

        locker room (运动员)休息室、更衣室

        nationteam 国家队

        coach 教练

        Stop holding! 不许拉人

        Stop pushing! 不许推人




























































































































































































       World Cup 世界杯

        FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association) 国际足联

        football,,association football 足球

        field,pitch 足球场

        midfield 中场

        penalty area 禁区

        goalkeeper,goaltender,goalie 守门员

        back 后卫

        left back 左后卫

        right back 右后卫

        centre half back 中卫

        right half back 右前卫

        forward 前锋

        centre forward,centre 中锋

        wingerwing,wing forward 边锋

        libero 自由人

        substitute 候补队员

        referee 裁判

        red card 红牌

        yellow card 黄牌

        The goal is disallowed 进球无效

        foul play 严重犯规

        corner ball, corner 角球

        goal kick 球门球

        hand ball 手球

        header 头球

        penalty kick 点球

        free kick 任意球

        fair charge 合理冲撞

        close-marking defence 盯人防守

        deceptive movement 假动作

        slide tackle 铲球

        to shoot 射门

        mishit 未射中

        to break through 带球过人

        to set a wall 筑人墙

        a hat trick 帽子戏法

        time wasting tactics 拖延战术

        cheering squad 拉拉队

        locker room (运动员)休息室、更衣室

        nationteam 国家队

        coach 教练

        Stop holding! 不许拉人

        Stop pushing! 不许推人


       World Cup (), two international tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the of international competition in the sport.

       The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament. The women's World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women's sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.The FIFA World Cup (often called Football World Cup, The World Cup, or simply World Cup) is the most important competition in international football (), and the world's most repreteam sport event.

       Organised by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's governing body, the World Cup is contested by men's national football teams which are FIFA members.

       The World Cup is held every four years, but the qualifying rounds of the competition take place over a three-year period, using regional qualifying tournaments. 197 national teams entered the qualification tournaments for the 2006 World Cup. The final tournament phase involves 32 national teams competing over a four-week period in a previously nominated

       host nation.

        The World Cup final competition (often called the "Finals"), which has been held every four years since 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was cancelled due to World War II, is the most widely-viewed and followed sporting event in the world. It has a global audience of more than 3 billion people (half the world's population) exceeding even the Olympic Games.

       Only seven nations have won the World Cup. Brazil is the most successful World Cup team, having won the tournament five times. Germany and Italy follow with three titles each.

       Argentina and Uruguay have two titles each. Finally, France and England have one title each.

       The next football World Cup will be held in Germany between June 9 and July 9, 2006.

The World Cup,世界杯英语作文50字

       第十九届世界杯足球赛(官方名称:2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa?)决赛圈比赛于2010年6月11日——7月11日在南非的九个城市的十座球场举行,本届是首次在非洲地区举行的世界杯足球赛。共有来自世界各地的32支球队参加赛事,共进行场比赛决定冠军队伍。除了主办国南非,其他球队需要通过外围赛争取参加决赛圈的席位。2009年12月5日,南非世界杯进行了分组抽签仪式,并确定了小组赛的赛程。

        The World Cup is held once every four years. This year, the World Cup matches will be held in South Africa.

        The whole tournament will take one month. This year, it will start from June 11 and the final match will be held on July 11.

        There will be 32 nations participating in the World Cup. If I go there, I can watch matches in total.




